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Spices in Heaps


Ayur "life" Veda "knowledge"


Ayurveda is one of the most ancient traditional systems of medicine, rather "way of life," known today.  The origin of this science of life (Ayu = life; and Veda = Knowledge), though difficult to pinpoint, has been placed by scholars of ancient Indian Ayurvedic scripture at around 6000 B.C. 


In the simplest terms, the idea of health is established on a basis of balance, where disease is an imbalance. Treatment then focuses on bringing the body’s life force (prana) and fire (agni) back into balance. The Ayurvedic physician treats the individual from a mind-body-spirit level to ultimately remove the imbalances that created the disease. 


There are 5 primary elements of which all things are made: Water, Air, Earth, Fire, and Ether. Ayurvedic medicine recognizes that there are three basic constitutions that are combinations of these 5 basic elements. People are comprised of a combination of these constitutional categories, which is determined at the time of conception. They are:


  • Vata:  Air and Ether

  • Pitta: Fire and Water

  • Kapha: Earth and Water


After a thorough intake and necessary exams (including a pulse and tongue diagnosis), unique treatments for the individual include: 

  • Herbal medicine

  • Lifestyle & Daily Routine

  • Diet & Dietary Medicine

  • Yoga

  • Pranayama (breathing exercises)

  • Dhyana (meditation)

  • Bodywork Treatments 

    • Bastis (pooling of medicated oil in a concentrated area)

    • Abhyangha (massage with oil)

    • Shirodhara (oil pooling on the third eye in a steady stream)

  • Seasonal/Periodic Cleansing regimens (Panchakarma)

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